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You are currently viewing archive for April 2023
Category: General
Posted by: The Agnew Family
Ed decided that we should try something a little different this year to "aid" our flying experience. Our flight was scheduled to depart at 6:35 pm arriving in London at the equivalent to our 1:30am. As he normally goes to bed between 11:30 and midnight he didn't think he would be able to sleep on the airplane. So he decided that we should alter our sleeping pattern for 3 days before the flight. The first day we got up at 6 am, that evening we went to bed a little after 9pm. The next morning we were up at 5 am and that evening it was suppose to be lights out at 8pm but it turned out to be 9 pm. On the day we left we got up at 4 am. One nice thing about this is when you're up at 4 am and don't have to leave your house till after 11 am you can get a lot of things done and boy did I. So, now you're wondering if we managed to sleep on the airplane. Ed definitely slept, though he did wake up to stretch a couple of times. Frances, well I'm not sure if I actually slept. I believe I may have dozed off but it was definitely a light sleep. Now you're wondering how today went. Well, I'm surprised it went really well. We arrived at the hotel a little after 9 am and were delighted when we were told our room was ready and we could check in. After we checked in, we grabbed a quick breakfast that included caffeine then started walking. We took a short break mid afternoon and a break for dinner a little after 6:30pm. It's after 9 pm and I'm still going. I think it really helps that you can't sleep while you're walking or at least that's something I haven't mastered yet.

2023/04/23: Counting Down

Category: General
Posted by: The Agnew Family
The count down to the next trip has started so it's time to test the travel computer and Frances' memory. Can she remember how to update the blog? If you see this, then the answer is yes!!!!

By the way, in 7 days from right now we'll be in an airplane flying east to London England.