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2022/10/31: Happy Halloween

Category: General
Posted by: The Agnew Family
Today Ed and I drove the short distance to Gatlinburg. It was raining lightly so Ed got to geocache on the drive. Several of the caches were in Pigeon Forge so got a good look at the town. When we were here 20 or more years ago it was home to lots of stores .... I remember the Red Roof and Green Roof areas. Now it's full of "attraction" like the Titanic, Wax Museum, buildings that look like they have fallen over, Ferris wheel. I find it really hard to describe as this place is at the opposite end of the spectrum of what Ed and I like. It probably makes Ed and I "sticks in the mud" but it's who we are plus it saved us a lot of money.

When we arrived in Gatlinburg we found more of the same but with Gondola rides thrown in. Gatlinburg is really into Halloween. Kids of all ages were walking up and down the streets in costume ---- some really good costumes by the way. The stores got into the action as well with staff dressing up and giving out treats. It really was quite the thing to see.

We only took a few photos on our walk around Gatlinburg --- yup Ed was looking for more geocaches.

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A little church near our hotel.

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One of the attractions was vehicles from the movies.


Looking back as we were walking up the road.
Category: General
Posted by: The Agnew Family
This trip is different from our normal trips in that I didn't bring my computer with me so I'm sharing Ed's which limits my time to update the blog. Ed also decided to not run the HDRs (the process that blends 3 photos together giving the painting like quality). When we get home I'll finish the blog and add a few HDR photos.

We're home and I'm finishing the blog.

We woke up to rain this morning but everyone was a little slow so it didn't matter. It cleared up around noon so we all decided to make plans for the afternoon. Several people decided to visit the Titanic exhibit, a couple of people went shopping and the rest of us went hiking. Ed and I were in the hiking group.

We drove the half hour drive to Smokey Mountains NP and found the trail head for the Laurel Falls. This is a popular trail so finding a parking spot wasn't easy but we eventually found one a little ways down the road.

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We're past the prime time for colour but the trees are still pretty.

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Larry, myself, Erica and Ted (Terrance) in front of the falls.

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The happy bride and groom.

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Ed and my nephew Tim discussing cameras. That's Tim's "I take pictures and don't like having my picture taken" scowl.

2022/10/29: The Wedding and more

Category: General
Posted by: The Agnew Family
We spent two days driving to Sevierville Tennessee and arrived at the "cabin" my sister rented at Hidden Mountain Resort. I use the term cabin loosely as it has 6 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms.

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The view from the balcony. That's the Smoky Mountains in the background.

The outside of the cabin.

My nephew (Terrance), and his wife (Erica) eloped in July 2021 but still wanted to do the "wedding" thing. So today was the wedding.

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Larry and Linda testing out the site of the ceremony. Larry was the best man at my sister's wedding.

The entrance to the "wedding area".

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The bride (Erica) and her dad.

Eric's cousin Chad was the efficient. After the vows he pronounced them as "still married".

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First dance.

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Cutting the "not your usual wedding" cake.

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Yes, it was a good party.

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The view at night. The ferris wheel is at Dolly Wood