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2013/06/09: Off to the Beach

Category: General
Posted by: The Agnew Family
Off to the beach is a common occurrence but not common enough for Zaph. First stop was the airport restaurant for breakfast. Victor gave a friend of his and fellow pilot one of Victor's old motorbikes. The friend restored the bike and brought it to the hanger to surprise Victor.

This Norton Atlas is looking good. Victor got to take it for a spin .... we were all impressed that he remembered how to drive a bike.

Zaph wasn't impressed that once we arrived at Rob and Ellen's cottage that there was work to be done. After reminding us many times that the beach was near by, Zaph finally got to go. I think the water is still pretty cold because after a few times of fetching the stick Zaph starts visiting people.

2013/06/08: Fun Times

Category: General
Posted by: The Agnew Family
The airport manager at our local airport and the president of our local COPA flight got together and organized a COPA for Kids day. A bunch of kids were invited to the airport to go flying. Ed was asked to help out and ended up being the "official photographer". Zaph and I stayed home and did chores.

Ed asked these kids what they were going to do .... you can see they were pretty excited about the prospect of going flying.

The pilots showed the kids the safety checks the pilots do before they go flying.

Outfitted with headsets and strapped into their seats they're off on an adventure.

Ed managed to sneak onto one of the flights. That's Walkerton from above .... find the oval track --- our house is above and to the right of the track in a little gap between the trees.

After the flying was over a second adventure began. A fellow who owns / co-owns a couple of hangers at the airport has a collection of old cars. Some of the cars are stored in the hangers at the airport others are stored at the "car farm". As luck would have it, he needed to move a couple of cars from the airport to the farm and Ed and Victor were there to volunteer to drive them. Ed called me so I joined them at the "car farm".

Don't know what it is but it's old. Anne and Victor arrived at the car farm in style. Anne said it "put-putted" along.

Ed was happy to drive this old Thunderbird.

Some of the cars stored at the car farm.

The 1969 Pace Car from the Indianapoilis 500 is one of Tony's latest purchases and it needed to be ferried back to the airport. We stopped at our house to drop my car off and take a few photos before the four of us climbed into the car and Victor drove us to the airport. Didn't the pace car look great in our driveway.

2013/06/04: Moving

Category: General
Posted by: The Agnew Family
Our friends, Jack and Lori, are in the process of cleaning out Lori's parent's home. It was a rental and they have to the end of June to empty the house. Today was step 1 ... moving the pieces of furniture Lori wants to keep and moving lots of boxes. Some to keep and some for a garage sale.

Packed up and ready to go.

At Jack and Lori's house and ready to unload.

Jack and Lori are having a new garage built --- the inside was completed enough to house all of the garage sale boxes.

One of the items Lori brought home was a wardrobe (a big heavy awkward to move wardrobe) and she wanted it put on the 2nd floor. Jack and Lori have a very nice house but it is an older Victorian home with an older Victorian stairway. The wardrobe was carried into the foyer without too much trouble. What followed was not as much fun .... turn right with wardrobe tilted get under the doorway, as you climbed one step onto a small landing right the wardrobe. Turn right again, this time up three or four steps and onto a second landing, turn right again and up eight or nine steps to the second floor. What added to the fun was that the wardrobe filled all of the available space so the guys had a really hard time maneuvering it. Suggested that the wardrobe be included with the house if they ever sell.

2013/06/02: Driving Home

Category: General
Posted by: The Agnew Family
It was raining lightly when we left John and Carol's house but as we headed south it dried up. Crossing the border was a piece of cake but then for whatever reason Canadian customs isn't as picky .... but that might have something to do with us being Canadian and we were going home. We stopped in Sarnia to pick up a coffee from Tim's and switched drivers. Happily, I drove the truck home. It is a nice truck to drive. I've told Ed that I want to feel comfortable driving the truck and that I want to be able to pull the trailer so I can share the driving with him and he thinks it's a good idea.

2013/06/01: ATVing

Category: General
Posted by: The Agnew Family
Decided to hang around John and Carol's house today. The boys had a couple of errands to run in town plus Ed wanted to get a couple of geocaches so he could get his Michigan medallion. They were gone longer than expected but they did find 16 geocaches .... a few more than the two Ed wanted to get.

As we have only driven in a razor we decided to try out John and Carol's ATVs. Riding a quad is a lot of fun.

Here's Ed zooming into the driveway.

Caity and Zaph wanted to go too.

After Carol rejected them, they tried to talk me into taking them.

Off I go.

It was not an all play day ... Carol and I planted 16 little Oak trees. I think it was more work deciding where to put the trees ---- they live in the bush, then the actual planting.