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2012/10/27: Life Goes On

Category: General
Posted by: The Agnew Family
It seems like it rains every other day. The good part to this the land is getting some much needed moisture and the river is back up to more normal levels. We've heard that the trout are in the river and that must be the case as there are a lot of fishermen in the river.

Ed has been spending some time in the workshop working on a cupboard for the basement. Hopefully, it will be done before we leave. I've been spending a lot of time on my computer working on slide shows for years gone by. I'm making progress and hope that by the end of May next year I'll be caught up. When you shoot between 6,000 and 15,000 photos a year it takes time to short through them and then build the slide shows.

2012/10/21: St. Jacobs

Category: General
Posted by: The Agnew Family
Another tradition that we seem to have is meeting my cousin from Grand Bend, her husband and my mom and brother for lunch in St. Jacobs. We all enjoy Benjamin's so we keep going back and once again the food was good and the atmosphere is great for visiting.

Instead of walking down the main street and looking in the shops we went for a walk along the river.

It was a perfect fall day, the sun was shining and it wasn't cold.

David, Yvonne, my mom, me, Bob and Zaph in front.

2012/10/14: Orangeville

Category: General
Posted by: The Agnew Family
Approximately half way between our house in Walkerton and Ed's sister's condo in Toronto is Orangeville. Think this is the third year in a row that we have met Sonya for lunch at Greystones Inn. The food is good and the atmosphere is perfect for relaxing and chatting.

I had been told about the wood carvings in Orangeville, so we picked up a map at the information center and started walking.

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These were some of my favorites. The dancer (top right) was carved by Bobbi Switzer, who has several of her carvings in Walkerton including the one in our neighbours back yard.

2012/10/11: Fall Weather

Category: General
Posted by: The Agnew Family
We're having an interesting fall this year. Lots of rain, some cool days, some cold days and some warm days and lots of beautiful fall foliage.

I was in Burlington on the October 10, so Ed took this photo of the back deck to prove that it hailed. Anybody who lives in the mid west will laugh at what we call hail ... so maybe I'll refer to this as mini-hail or ice pellets.

I was sitting at my desk early in the morning on October 11 and glanced out the front window. The sky to the west was dark but the sun was shining in the east and caused this tree behind my neighbour's house to glow.
Category: General
Posted by: The Agnew Family
My mom and brother drove up from Burlington on Sunday to celebrate Thanksgiving with us. It was a day early but given the drive it made sense. Dinner included a delicious smoked pork loin, smoked by me not Ed. Decided to skip the traditional turkey as there was a pork loin in my freezer that need cooking. After dinner (we ate at 1pm) we went for a nice more than an hour walk around town. My mom figured that wasn't bad for an 89 year old woman who broke her hip in May.

View down by the river.

Category: General
Posted by: The Agnew Family
Here's Ed in colour.

Now here he is in black and white and all it took was pushing a button and turning a dial on the camera. Think I'm going to love this option.
Category: General
Posted by: The Agnew Family
What a beautiful day for a drive .... and good thing too as we had to drive to Port Huron to pick up a replacement cell phone. Ed called Verizon to see if they would ship us a telephone but no, they couldn't do that. Something about regulations.

We are eligible for a discount on the new phone, but to get the discount you have to apply for a rebate. OK that's no problem. The catch is they cannot send the rebate card to Canada. Good thing we have friends in the US that we can send the card to.

I really wish the Canadian phone companies would come up with a comparable plan to Verizon's plan.