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2010/04/16: Happy Camper

Category: General
Posted by: The Agnew Family
The last two days have been those "shop to you drop" kinda of days. My mom had a list of things she wanted to buy .... Ed kinda of things so she waited till we returned from Texas. 52 inch TV, stand to go with it, new DVD player, cables (Ed loves browsing through Sayal --- a discount electronics store) and a desk chair. Being the lucky boy that he is, Ed got to assemble everything as well. It was a busy couple of days but we checked off everything from mom's list and even managed to visit a couple of friends.

The happy camper with her large remote control --- works great

Getting a lesson on how everything works.
Category: General
Posted by: The Agnew Family
Since we've been home we've had some pretty amazing weather but I guess all good things must come to an end and today was the end. Mother Nature decided we needed a reality check and let the high be around 3 degrees Celsius .... that's around 37F and then there were the snow flurries. I was down south in Burlington and they even had snow flurries. Luckily, the reality check won't last long and were heading into seasonal temperatures around 11C (or 52F).

2010/04/05: Hoppy Bunny Day

Category: General
Posted by: The Agnew Family
Hope everyone had a happy Easter. On Friday we went to Anne and Victor's for "Easter Dinner" of prime rib .... yum. Other than that we stuck close to home so we could unpack and settle in. As the weather was amazing I decided to take advantage of a warm trailer and got rid of all the Texas dirt and dust from the inside. Check one very big job off my list.

2010/04/01: Home at Last

Category: General
Posted by: The Agnew Family
After two long days in the truck --- 10 hours and 12 hours we arrived home. Ed checked our tires at one of our rest stops on the first day and noticed a bulge on the side of one of the tires. Taking the advise from "tire guy" he took a pin and pricked the tire releasing the air from the bubble. Each time we stopped .... just about every rest stop ... he checked the tire and the tire pressure. When we arrived home he noticed a 2nd bubble was on the tire .... this had happened during the last 2 1/2 hours of the drive.

Ed decided to leave the bubble on the tire and by morning it had grown. Another pin prick and tire looks fine again. Guess who's going tire shopping in the near future.